Posada earns bonus points at the end for showing hilarious clips of children trying not to eat the marshmallow.Children’s author Jarrett J. Krosoczka illustrates the power of a simple thank-you in this talk. TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing important ideas on a variety of topics. Precisely, in this TED Talk, he, with his great humorous and sarcastic tone, discusses the reasons why you are going to fail to have a great career. In this playful talk, children’s writer Mac Barnett shares the power of imagination and what happens when we open our minds to accept fiction as part of our reality. TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing important ideas on a variety of topics. Sign-up to receive weekly teacher tips, fun activities, mindfulness and exercise ideas, and more for grades K-5.

TED Talks can engage students and spark meaningful conversations. He challenges us to redefine our view of leadership—that it’s not about changing the world but about changing each other’s understanding of the world.Social psychologist Amy Cuddy explains how our body language shapes not only how others see us, but how we see ourselves. This Ted Talk explains, “When your body goes on autopilot, your brain gets busy forming new neural connections that connect ideas and solve problems.”  This means that boredom (which most kids hate!) The talk must be based around an approved idea, which must be either a new idea or invention or a new argument or way of approaching an old idea. Fifteen-year-old Tavi Gevinson set out to answer this question after observing that women, particularly young girls, were often misrepresented in popular media. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. As a former neo-Nazi, Picciolini now dedicates his time to helping others combat violent extremism in their own lives. He noticed that there weren’t a lot of resources for young people who want to learn app development and hopes to change that by sharing his knowledge with others.“Read critically. All rights reserved. Through a series of adorable voice messages, Barnett then introduces us to Nico, an imaginative child who personifies Barnett’s message of the importance of whimsy and wonder.Explore patriotism and social justice with this engaging talk by actor and activist George Takei. Surprisingly enough, he’s probably right. She blogs at We are here to help enhance learning at home! Fans of Shana Ramin is a middle school language arts and journalism teacher, Google for Education Certified Trainer, and EdTech enthusiast. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Takei shares how his father helped him reconcile the experience of his childhood imprisonment with the core ideal of American democracy, that all men are created equal. She also discusses her personal experience with imposter syndrome and how to get past it.John Green talks about the importance of the Internet and why it makes learning more awesome. Learn more about Kamkwamba’s inspiring story in his memoir Terry Moore believes that most of us are tying our shoes incorrectly.

This talk is a favorite for teachers and students alike, as Adora Svitak reminds us why it’s so important to listen to youth voices. As Moore notes, sometimes small advantages can yield big results.Joe Smith is on a mission to save paper by teaching us the correct way to use a paper towel.
She explains why solitude matters as well as how it contributes to creativity and leadership.In this powerful video, Shane Koyczan shares his viral spoken-word poem about bullying and survival. He shares his experience with social media platforms, such as YouTube, and demonstrates how they can help foster engaging communities of learning and discovery.The LXD (Legion of Extraordinary Dancers) believes that dance can have a transformative effect on the world. Here are some of the best TED Talks students (and you) will find informative, funny, and uplifting.This talk begins with some sobering statistics about childhood mortality: 6.6 million children don’t make it to their 5th birthday and the most common causes of death are diarrhea and pneumonia. Phase 3: Now, students are ready to write their own TED Talk. In this fascinating talk, Feinberg shares the power of storytelling and gives us a glimpse into the three-dimensional worlds that Pixar creates for its beloved films.While only a tiny percentage of online videos go viral, they become part of a cultural phenomenon that fascinate and mystify us. Whether it comes to your health or even productivity, Philip is always on top of … So help them out a bit with this amazing ted talk brought to you by Philip Zimbardo. Neuroscientist Beau Lotto shares the parallels between science and play with the help of twenty-five 8-10 year-old children.TedEd offers animated learning videos presented by educators on topics as widely varying as extraterrestrial life in our solar system, the mysterious science of pain, the myth of Pandora’s box, and many more including the history of the world according to cats, above. Bavelier shares how scientists like her are attempting to leverage these findings into even greater impacts on education and rehabilitation.At age 14, a Malawian boy named William Kamkwamba sought a way to help his village combat famine. I’ll definitely recommend them to my students. Conferences.
Why you’ll fail to have a great career by Larry Smith. Spoiler alert: We’re doing it wrong and creating a lot of waste in the process.Procrastinators, unite!

Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, young George and his family were denied due process and forcibly relocated to a Japanese American internment camp. Though people often associate video-game play with negative behavior, brain scientist Daphne Bavelier notes that playing video games in “reasonable doses” can actually have a variety of positive effects on our brain plasticity, learning, attention, and vision.