Learn more about the We'd all like to believe we're self-aware, but in reality, the facts point to a more sobering truth. Marsh shows you how to share a balance lifestyle between family, personal time and productivity. From this talk, leaders will Drew Dudley’s whole approach is to make sure everyone understands how to bring out the leader within. As a social psychologist, Cuddy explains how “power posing” – showcasing a posture of confidence even when you don’t feel confident – can affect your brain chemistry and move you to positive action.While some of the findings presented in the study are controversial among social scientists, Cuddy’s talk is a great reminder of the importance of If you think the answer to Seth Godin’s talk is “social media,” try again.
Over the course of 15 minutes, Grant explains the unexpected habits of original thinkers, and their Fear of failure is one of the biggest inhibitors to success in all of life’s endeavors. The man affectionately known as Dan Ariely is a behavioral economist who has gained a deeper understanding of human motivation than most economists could ever hope for. Having lived throughout Africa, Swaniker highlights the vital role true leaders play in building a society, and what can happen in their absence. That’s all that’s needed for leaders to inspire a movement.In her TED Talk, business innovator Nilofer Merchant offers a simple message about the importance of Africa has struggled to live up to its development goals, and its leaders are to blame, says TED Fellow and founder of the African Leadership Network Fred Swaniker. How Great Leaders Inspire Action, by Simon Sinek. He also drops some inspiration from his books Achieving an ideal work-life balance may seem like a jigsaw puzzle, but isn’t nearly as hard as our productivity-obsessed culture makes it out to be. Studying the habits of original thinkers will teach aspiring leaders they “need a lot of bad ideas in order to get a few good ones.”Four years and more than 38 million views later, Amy Cuddy’s powerful TED Talk has resonated with many aspiring leaders. Too many people think great leadership is reserved for extraordinary people.His humorous take will remind you of all the little things leaders do each day. As a leader, getting your ideas to spread requires more than just a Twitter handle. With more than 29 million views, Simon Sinek is … With more than 18 million views, Robbins’ TED appearance is one of the most popular. What if your job didn't control your life? Yves Morieux argues that our reaction to the unfathomable complexity of modern work has a lot to do with that disengagement. When venture investor Natalie Fratto is determining which start-up founder to support, she doesn't just look for intelligence or charisma; she looks for adaptability. Go deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED.Find and attend local, independently organized eventsRecommend speakers, Audacious Projects, Fellows and moreRules and resources to help you plan a local TEDx eventUpdates from TED and highlights from our global community Dudley reminds us that leadership is an everyday act that should be celebrated.It’s easy to think that as a species we have evolved far beyond the days of tribalism, but management consultant David Logan argues that effective leaders understand the If you missed the opening line of this article, Fields Wicker-Miurin will remind you that leadership is self-taught. She poses 3 laser-like questions that will spur your own thinking on what it takes to be a great leader.In a world filled with executive leadership programs and expensive seminars, Torres argues the best way to learn leadership might be right under your nose. Then he talks about the flip side: how easy it is to be a hero, and how we can rise to the challenge. That’s Nigel Marsh’s main thrust in this 2010 talk. Tom Wujec invites listeners to run the exercise themselves while explaining what he’s learned from observing thousands of people draw toast.