I remember seeing her face a couple of times while singing to the video at karaoke, lol. Both news sites and twitter erupted in surprise and general delight at this announcement. My policy is 一期一会。It means treasure your meeting with everyone! Many of the songs lyrics were also changed to her name.Before the last song, another announcement came announcing that HKT48 Chapter 3 would start, dropping Murashige from center to #16 and bumping everyone else up one place making Miku center.In the MC after the switch was announced, Murashige said that she was concerned about this and was afraid people would walk out of the concert at the announcement and the set list would be hell for her haters... Maybe that might have happened 2 or 3 years ago, but at this point it seems like she is legitimately the 2nd most popular member or getting there quickly if SNS is any indication and, as negative as twitter is, I saw no one with anything negative to say about her being center.But even though they announced a senbatsu, it is apparently not an announcement of a new single despite being 8 months since the last. Some people are saying this is a silent punishment, and that she will be back into senbatsu for NMB or HKT in their next single. Both news sites and twitter erupted in surprise and general delight at this announcement. Murashige herself explains via Google Plus: * Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts It was HKT48 Chapter 2.The surprise came when Hana was made #3, Miku #2 and Murashige Anna was center!

She is in Team KIV (formerly in Team H) in HKT48. The surprise came when Hana was made #3, Miku #2 and Murashige Anna was center!

WANTING TO TRY “PRODUCT CREATION” SINCE GRADUATION. murashige anna Murashige Anna : Hkt48 オールナイトニッポン 楽しかったなぁ こんな時間までお仕事できるなんて 大人になったなぁと実感(^ ^) あかりんさん、みるるんさん、さえさんが 凄く笑ってくれて助けられたぁー。 *Attention! During the concert Murashige was center of many songs, did a solo (Dear J) and appeared as all the various characters she has played at special events during the last year or so. Poot murashige anna :(Well, if you consider it, she was in on it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I like her variety presence so hopefully the best case scenario for her happens, whatever that may be!It's hard to say. HKT48 Murashige Anna graduation June 21, 2015 reika Leave a comment This doesn’t quite reach Kojima Haruna levels of trolling, but apparently what turned out to be a joke has everyone up in arms. She doesn't really stand out to me, her "character" was kind of annoying (though her shoujiki shougi was pretty good)Hello, can I ask what exactly happened? !Enter your email address to receive updates via email.Disclosure: The items in this section below are affiliate URLs, which means that we may receive a portion of proceeds if you make a purchase using these links. During the concert Murashige was center of many songs, did a solo (Dear J) and appeared as all the various characters she has played at special events during the last year or so. This apparently happened at a live event, through what appears to be a misunderstanding. I am not graduating!”. 376 views | Created Nov 05, 2019. akb48 hkt48 murashige anna. That’s when Sasshi made fun of me and said, ‘That Murashige Cheer was so louder, I thought it was your graduation concert. Enter your email address to receive updates via email.Disclosure: The items in this section below are affiliate URLs, which means that we may receive a portion of proceeds if you make a purchase using these links. What do you guys think?Honestly, being a Johnny's fan as well, that guy isn't so popular, since he's technically a Junior, their version of a kenkyuusei, just slightly different.If she was with someone super popular, I would understand if management wouldn't push her anymore...As long as they didn't do anything major such as a sleepover, I'm pretty sure Murashige be back on her feet soon.As for Murashige, I'm not up to date with her stuff so this is the first I've heard of anything happening after her "scandal" (thanks for the update!). But, Murashige's fans were effectively gaslit.Truly ending the concert basically declaring her career over and treating her being center as it could only be a joke, I do wonder if her fans would have any reason left to support her or HKT48 now.What do you do after your oshi got the pinnacle of her career and they announce it is over for her and they think she is just a joke to not give her chances in the future, but she isn't graduated either?It doesn't really inspire one to overspend on handshake events to get her slots sold out or blow lots of money on an election if they aren't really going to let her get anywhere.If they were selling a single, this would probably would be shooting themselves in the foot as it is so obvious that having Miku as solo center just won't be as interesting, exciting or news-worthy as the "joke" choice.