With two clinics in Mexico, we offer holistic, alternative therapies to strengthen and heal our patients – mind, body, and soul.Leaving the comfort of home for treatment can be scary. Under the advice of Dr. Jimenez, she undertook a much smaller surgery, and followed up by using non-toxic alternative cancer treatments from Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers to accomplish a complete healing experience.Read Agnes’ heartfelt letter to Dr. Jimenez detailing her stage 4 colorectal cancer survivor story.
It is important that treatment is not unduly delayed while you seek the second opinion.

Really sorry about your terrible news. My work however have been very supportive and have offered to pay medical cost do you have any idea how much the SIRTS treatments costs?Thanks so much for your help during this horrible time.Hello Jamie, I think the cost privately was about £30,000 pounds and his health cover provider were willing to fund this.

A relative survival rate compares people with the same type and stage of colon or rectal cancer to people in the overall population. You can also find links to our policy pages on the bottom of every page of this site.

xx HarryHi Jamie, I forgot to say that we are from Aberdeen so there would be no problem as I say the NHS would have referred him but he had to have more chemo and it was not doing anything for him at that time, whereas going through the private route did not require the extra chemo.Thankyou for your kind words.xleslieThank you Harry.
However, if diagnosed at a late stage, colorectal cancer often culminates in highly invasive surgeries that involve excision of parts of the colon and parts of surrounding organs and lymph nodes that might have got affected.

And that u are well ur wife seems similar to me and I was wondering if u got any success out of finding about sirt? HarryThanks for your reply and bringing SIRT to my attention I will bring this up with the oncologist when we meet them on Wednesday - we have only met the lead consultant who told us the staging who is a colon surgeon so couldn’t tell us much on the therapy side of stuff.With regards to a second opinion is this relatively easy to get how do we go about it?Hi Jamie, Your oncologist or indeed your GP could organise it. He just had his biopsy result 2 days ago but he started his pain last January, 2018 and becoming worst and worst. So tired of being tired mostly. We are so sorry to hear about your cousin.

She is in great spirits just getting weaker. It is a world class institution for bowel cancer. But your GP or oncologist will need to be pro-active, chasing up the relevant institution to make an appointment, and not taking too long about it. I am on this site and also MacMillan and although I asked if people had had this treatment and what the outcomes were I did not get any information but that was a year ago so you can ask. Or Does herbal can treat him? The family can’t decide which is which.

The patient may also have undergone extensive radiation and chemotherapy as well. Thank you very much.Hello Carolina and thank you for reaching out.

5  However, a 2017 study found survival rates for those with stage 4 colon cancer that metastasized to the liver and were candidates for removal of the liver metastases at the same time as colon surgery improved to up to 70% 6 . To many young people getting bowel cancer, being treated for all sorts of things without the professionals thinking that they could have bowel cancer and checking it.

They say she is too weak for chemo and the doctors cannot clearly see where the cancer is. Read about Agnes McKim unfortunately passed away after about 10 years from her diagnosis, but due t0 another health complication – not cancer. My brother’s name is James Robert Garrett, we call him “Bob”. In 2013, an estimated 73,680 men and 69,140 women are expected to be diagnosed with the disease in the United States alone, while 26,300 men and 24,530 women are expected to die from the disease. Once a patient goes through this surgery, their quality of life is significantly impaired and they are relegated to the use of a colostomy bag for the rest of their lives.Agnes McKim came to Hope4Cancer at a phase in her treatment where she was being recommended highly invasive surgery as her only hope against the advanced state of disease. She remains an important testimonial of the benefits of natural cancer therapies that helped her survive many years beyond her expected survival.My Dr’s are saying I need surgery and will end up with a colostomy bag. 6mm is the largest. They said he was too weak for chemotherapy, and not a candidate for radiation treatments. Agnes McKim: 10 Years Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer Survivor Story. We feel grateful that Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers treatments not only allowed Agnes to survive, but also thrive with an excellent quality of life. My deepest condolences.

Need help on what can done with stage4 colorectal cancer? Stage 4 colon cancer survival rate and life expectancy - The 5-year survival rate is the percentage of people who have been diagnosed with cancer for at least 5 years. By now he is taking herbal medicines. Can you help with any advice that might pick her up to go through chemo? My very best wishes. I am 76 years old, in good health, and married to the same woman for 57 years.

Stage 4 colon cancer occurs when cancer in the colon spreads, or metastasizes, to other tissues and organs. For example, a 90% survival rate of 5 years means that 90 out of 90 people with cancer are still alive within 5 years of diagnosis.

Thank you!How can i reach out anyone? Also does anyone know of private clinics offering alternative treatments such as targeted treatments that may not be offered on the NHS?