This isn't going to be in your top 10 horror films but it's still a decent movie. We would not be remembering The Shining as a classic of suspense horror today if they had taken this ham-handed route. 6 out of 7 found this helpful. Während dieser Zeit war sie aber nicht nur eine Attraktion, die von den Landungsbrücken aus bestaunt werden konnte, jeden Mittag um Punkt 12 Uhr konnte sie auch kilometerweit gehört werden. So when MARY came to me I wondered if it would be up to the challenge. Was this review helpful? 41 out of 53 found this helpful. Das Lieblingsschiff der Hamburger hat bereits einige Meilensteine in der Hansestadt hinter sich und feierte am 22. Jahrestag des Hamburger Erstanlaufs der Queen Mary 2 wurde am 19. The acting is solid and the direction/cinematography are wonderful! It features the talent of Gary Oldman, and strong performances by Emily Mortimer, but even their dedication could not save this movie from sinking.

Jubiläums-Teatime mit Anja Tabarelli und Commodore Bernard Warner

14 out of 29 found this helpful.

But if you have a crap story, then it's going to be a crap movie and that's the inevitable outcome. It looked really good. 21 out of 32 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? They claim... Die Feierlichkeiten begannen aber bereits eine Woche zuvor als sich rund 400 geladene Gäste bei einer traditionellen englischen Teatime im Hotel Grand Elysée auf die Woche im Zeichen des Hamburger Lieblingsschiffes einstimmten – Ehrengast war der ehemalige Commodore Bernard Warner.Am Abend startete die Queen Mary 2 schließlich zur Sailaway-Show "Mille Saluti Hamburg". What in gods good name are we watching here ? It's one of those movies you'll go and check on IMDb to see the ratings, see 1 star, OMG!
Was this review helpful? Zahlreiche Kreuzfahrt­schiffe machen vor dem provisorischen Terminal fest. It manages to create a claustrophobic environment in a ocean environment.

There are no scary moments but relied on cheap jump scares which really did not do much to add to storyline. 9 out of 16 found this helpful. Ein Signalton mit allen drei Schiffshörnern wäre sogar bis zu 18 Kilometer weit wahrnehmbar gewesen – dies war einigen Anwohnern aber zu laut, weswegen die Reederei schnell beschloss, die Lautstärke zu reduzieren.Drei Wochen, rund 1.500 Werftarbeiter, 2.300 Arbeiter anderer Firmen sowie 1.200 Crewmitglieder, 157.500 Mahlzeiten, 40.000 Quadratmeter verlegter Teppich, 6.500 neue Möbelstücke, 4.000 neue Bilder und ein Multi-Millionen-Euro-Betrag – das war der bisher größte Umbau der Queen Mary 2 in ihrer zwölfjährigen Geschichte. Am 22. You've seen everything else in this movie before elsewhere. You can read some reviews that will do a nice job covering the story. Juli 2008 eröffnete die Queen Mary 2 den ersten Blue Port und die Cruise Days. Keep scrolling and find allot of negitive reviews, but you'll see the odd one or two that say it's a good or average movie, I go with the latter, I thought the acting was above board and the idea and setting were good, as is the background of the ship in question, it touches on the Bermuda triangle and such, it's not an amazing film, and it won't win any awards, but its one that'll Keep your attention, just go into it with an open mind and you'll enjoy it!! If your looking for blood and lots of sex, well your be disappointed. In Verbindung mit unseren Ausstellern, Food-Ständen, Live-Konzerten und Kongressen über therapeutische Eigenschaften wird ein umfangreiches Kultur- und Unterhaltungsprogramm geboten. The character Sarah played by Emily Mortimer at one point in the movie says " Something Is Wrong Here." One shot in particular was really creepy. Don't be anybody else, be U! I would recommend passing on this movie; it was just so pedestrian to even be considered a horror...just hanging borderline thriller. Was this review helpful? The flaw in oldmans accent alone should be enough to make u want to hurl into a small british truffle basket.
It's not particularly scary or super original but seeing a ghost movie contained to a sailboat made it feel a bit fresh.

Georg Preuße: Mary – Mein Leben in ihrem Schatten. Maybe I give too much credit to Oldman but I do believe he is a fantastic grade A actor that usually goes for productions that are higher calibre. Don't waste time if you want to see it for itself. The movie is then told in flashback.

Was this review helpful? Unfortunately the movie was tragically flawed because of a clumsy framing device. Did they run out of budget, having to rely on jump scares?

I think the only thing that bothered my wife was the very end. That something is the whole movie. You will regret it. Insgesamt wurden 50 neue Kabinen ein- oder umgebaut, 35 davon im vorderen Bereich von Deck 13. Was this review helpful? I enjoyed it. Denn die Queen hat sich bei ihrem Aufenthalt ein genaues Bild von der Im Sommer 2016 war das Lieblingsschiff der Hamburger ganze drei Wochen lang zu Gast im Hamburger Hafen: Vom 27. It seems so. Juni 2019 feierte die Königin der Meere dieses Jubiläum bei ihrem ersten Anlauf in diesem Jahr. That should say enough. 12 out of 19 found this helpful. Some cool shots in it. Juni 2019 ihr 15. Calling this "horror" is a complete joke. This movie has an excellent story and setting. 14 out of 24 found this helpful. 18 out of 25 found this helpful. In the bonus track of the DVD, actress Emily Mortimer described "Mary" as a film "about a real family, marriage, and love."

I saw at the movie theater, without knowing anything about it, were it was shown without any advertisement or anything like that - and i do understand why - because it was so poor. 8 out of 17 found this helpful. Was this review helpful?

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