I think the only real way to get a Fourth Crusade is to either hope or manually look at the event and do it for an appropriate character and then the event itself will fire off normally after that.

This includes the pope. In Crusader Kings II Edit. Either of the two Caliphs can and probably will call a jihad, so you need to be prepared for a counterattack. I guess the next expansion is focused on Catholics then?

Below is a list of weights for various titles for each religion. If the targeted kingdom does not exist, it is created for free and given to the victor. The one that is located in the game's main files (your Steam game installation directory), IS NOT the location you want. Hi, I am trying to get the pope to declare a crusade on the Sunni Arabian empire in my KoJ game, crusades have been unlocked and the same pope who declared the start of crusades has fought and won 7 crusades in the span of 25 years. This is aweseome, especially the feature to switch over to the new Crusader King/Queen. So if any catholic claimant exists. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.From the moment of the call until the crusade ends, there is a special menu, the crusade screen (see 3., below). Hi, I am trying to get the pope to declare a crusade on the Sunni Arabian empire in my KoJ game, crusades have been unlocked and the same pope who declared the start of crusades has fought and won 7 crusades in the span of 25 years. Great new mechanics and far closer to how the real crusades went down. You do get some contribution % for capturing provinces, but it is very small compared to the points you get for fighting active battles. Great Holy Wars become available to different religions depending on certain criteria. Targets of the crusade usually have done things diplomatically that ruins the politics of a certain nation. When the religious head calls a crusade, all rulers will be notified and all rulers of the attacking religion will be pressured to join the war effort.

By leading troops within the crusade target, characters can gain a If the war is won, rulers of the attacking religion within the kingdom's de jure borders, and all rulers outside the de jure borders but within the de facto borders, are vassalized; all other titles are usurped. Crusader Kings III is soon upon us and you can pre order it today! Your allies will generate the warscore needed to win the crusade, and you'll get the contribution % needed to be awarded the kingdom. The pope has 100 relation with me and I have papal investiture, he is also not a vassal of anyone and landed. Also, note that any heretic nation can be a target of a Crusade, so keep Religious authority high to not become a heretic.

The more you fight, and the more soldiers who die in battles lead by you, the higher your % contribution climbs. All rulers of the religion are called on to cooperate in conquering a de jure kingdom from a religious enemy. A few % points can mean the difference between you getting awared a shiny new kingdom, and some other nation getting the titles. During a crusade, if you are at least a duke and you occupy all the titles of a duchy that is not part of the kingdom target by the crusade (for example, if the crusade is for Jerusalem and you siege a duchy in Egypt or Syria), you can take a title decision (click on the crest of the province you want to be the new state's capital) and form the crusader state. IIRC there are three possible ranges of realm sizes, so there's roughly a one in three chance the target of the crusade switches to Thrace. If your ruler and/or heir has a lousy marshal skill, simply make them generals and land your army in a province that is part of the crusade, but not near enemy armies. If a crusade is successful, the target of the crusade goes to the nation who has the highest % contribution. Wait... this is a FREE patch feature?! Rulers can pledge themselves to the crusade either at the announcement, or at any point during the next two years, after which they will be obligated to declare war on the defending realm when the crusade begins. The ideal situation has you hunting down and crushing the enemy with your army, while your crusading allies park their armies in various provinces and slowly capture territory. After a month or so, an event will trigger that will net you the crusader trait. This even counts for battles that you lose. Crusader Kings II Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. All beneficiaries who gain titles gain a flag that ensures all dynasty members gain +1 monthly piety during their lifetime. Every once in a while, the Pope will order a Crusade to the Catholic nations to fight an infidel, usually to a Muslim nation.To a Catholic nation that does not follow the Crusade order, the opinion of the Pope will usually be decreased by -15 and to those who follow, will get an increase of +20. The crusader trait is a very desirable trait for any character to have. You can decide to incorporate the state into your kingdom, abdicate your throne to rule over the new state or put your Crusade Beneficiary in charge (you can then play as the Crusade Beneficiary). Or if your nation is very powerful with massive levies ready to be deployed like the Holy Roman Empire, you can go solo and defeat the target alone. The Orthodox Church however, will not be subject to that because the Eumenical Patriarchy never issues a crusade. For example, if the target is Egypt in the 13th century, 13th century France will need some help from other nations like Scotland or the Holy Roman Empire to assist in that crusade.