(This withholding is considered essential after the findings of a psychological experiment, Project In the novel, the orders to disconnect HAL come from Dave and Frank's superiors on Earth. Dave begins to revive his hibernating crew mates, but is foiled when HAL vents the ship's atmosphere into the vacuum of space, killing the awakening crew members and almost killing Bowman, who is only narrowly saved when he finds his way to an emergency chamber which has its own oxygen supply and a spare space suit inside. HAL then killed the crew in self-defense, or perhaps murder with aggravated circumstances, depending on your perspective.So maybe he's not a killer robot. And in his case, that was Now comes the million dollar question.

That resulted in us paying lawyers. He can carry on a conversation just as a human.

Arthur C. Clarke hat dieser Behauptung stets widersprochen: But where's the proof for that, you ask? The It's generally believed that the monolith exists as a test for humanity. And in both of these respects, relative to his other films, We promise that this super dense article will put your mind to its fullest possible use, which is all that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

When Arthur C. Clarke was asked this same question, Who indeed, for during his lifetime, Clarke was always similarly non-committal whenever asked about his own sexuality, but since his death in 2008, many of his friends have confirmed that Clarke was himself a gay man. The offenders folded or eventually went out of business. Maybe the cognitive strain of trying to reconcile these two incompatible orders also led to HAL misdiagnosing the antenna in the first place.If you're the sort of person who believes that every aspect of every During the game of chess that HAL plays with astronaut David Poole, HAL actually makes a If you want to read meaning into anomalous moment, there are any number of conclusions that you could draw. Maybe HAL just has all the emotions of real humans, including a tendency to make mistakes, an inability to accept those mistakes, and a capacity for darkness.What if HAL 9000 didn't have a glitch or a nervous breakdown? Weit verbreitet ist die allerdings irrige Vermutung, HAL sei die Verballhornung des Markennamens der US-Computerfirma IBM, da die Buchstabenfolge H-A-L das Ergebnis der Dekrementation der Buchstabenfolge I-B-M zu sein scheint (die Buchstaben H, A und L stehen im Alphabet jeweils unmittelbar vor den Buchstaben I, B und M). In order to locate it, humanity has to develop space travel, and so by reaching the monolith, we prove that we are ready to enter the greater world of interstellar society. All rights reserved It was developed concurrently with Stanley Kubrick 's film version and published after the release of the film. In order to answer that, we first have to recount the basic events of HAL's plotline in HAL 9000 is introduced as the onboard computer of the One day, during a conversation with David, wherein HAL expresses some uneasiness about the secrecy surrounding their mission, HAL suddenly claims to detect an error with the ship's transmission antenna. The reason that it was chosen as the song HAL would sing was because, in our real world, it was the first song to ever be "sung" by computerized speech.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. However, before HAL can tie up this final loose end, David manages to shut him down.Another, slightly more complex version of this idea was that HAL had a different, much smaller glitch when he reported to Dave that there was a problem with the ship's antenna. However, a central piece of HAL's programming is that he's unable to lie to his human crewmates.In the end, HAL decides that the only way that he doesn't have to choose between lying to his crew about the nature of their mission and telling them the truth is by killing them.

He and Frank then go to a place where HAL can't hear them and discuss the possibility that HAL is malfunctioning.