After turning the light on I discovered our room was 84 degrees. Also, FUCK OFF. Our religious beliefs are being undermined daily. They will be here either tomorrow or Thursday.Can’t remember if they made the units larger capacity – which, ironically, can apparently lead to higher humidity levels. I need to put it on my list of things to accomplish before I turn 40.“Black Lives Matter. I wanted my SoCal Inlandia vacay.Just because you aren’t religious, doesn’t mean you’re a lefty. Someone is feeling better!We got Trampolines in today. It must go on. This is America. But your face don’t look too clear So, bar maid bring a pitcher Another round of brew Honey, why don’t we get drunk and screw. They don’t know how to deal with adversity, and have been told their entire lives that everything they do is wonderful. The senators just say, ‘my time is short’ and use the whole time to make a speech. [Chorus:] Why don't we get drunk and screw I just bought a waterbed filled up for me and you They say you are a snuff queen, Honey, I don't think that's true So, why don't we get drunk and screw. How did they just up and not know where it is?You’re a white woman; just wear Ugg boots and leggings, put cinnamon and nutmeg on everything, and mutilate a squash.but ugg boots and leggings suck when it’s in the triple digits outsideooooh but gimme dat pumpkin spice. After three songs, the fourth one started playing and it was “Let’s Get Drunk and Screw”. Holy Hannah!Stupid autodictator fucks that up all the time for meAt 84 degrees I would have just laid down and died.We’re supposed to get Biden’s pick for President this week. The devil is in the details.I’ve never seen that insane woman on TV yelling and emoting about pedophiles. SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN DON’T GET CHYNABOLA, you dumfucks.Could it have been demons having sex with someone in your household?Cameroon makes me laugh. hahahahaAlex, I enjoyed watching that video. I’m not driving slow so you can feel safe, I’m not going to wear a helmet riding a bike because you think it’s safer. In a group it would be wonderful.Wait, Nadler wasn’t wearing HIS mask.

1. I got up and took a whizz and that’s when I realized it was cooler in the bathroom than our bedroom. Why Don't We Get Drunk Written By – M. Gordons: 2:40: B: The Great Filling Station Holdup Written-By – J. Buffett* 2:58: Credits Producer – Don Gant; Other Versions (5 of 9) View All. And they’ll be there long after we’re gone.Huh. Had some for breakfast this morning. Why don't we get drunk and screw I just bought A waterbed It's filled up for me and you. I’m going to play/watch sports that you won’t because you think they’re not safe. Now, I want Gnocchi lasagna.Hotspur rode your mom for 2 hours, and I didn’t hear him complaining.You’re just jealous of my huge……….rooster showing up tomorrowahahaha exactly what I experienced with online dating…it’s awfulooooh bringing out the sass! He’s SQUEEEEEE. Jay, I enjoyed this poat and have postponed killing you…for now.Great memes MJ! Hope honesty isn’t…oh hell, I know it’s probably screwing me.Honesty is a social construct forced on the world by White Patriarchy.When I grow up, I’m going to live where there’s fall. Why don’t we get drunk and screw I just bought a water bed It’s filled up for me and you They say you are a snuff queen Honey, I don’t think that’s true So, why don’t we get drunk and screw he should crawl into a hole.That’s how Debbie Wassername-Schultz mispronounced “misled” from her teleprompter during an “interview”, Alex.Haha, Andy Biggs from AZ just dropped a “bless your heart” on Nadler in the hearing.Democrats sure like to pontificate about the law to the AG, don’t they?Wow, Ciccilline from RI is playing videos of crowds not in Portland, not at night, as examples of peaceful protests.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? It brings the GWS closer to shore. I’m guessing they’ve never been around preschoolers.

MA had to close a beach on one of the Capes today until 1…seal activity on beach. He couldn’t stop laughing.He said it’s not even banned, the group has been entirely deleted. Shortly thereafter, the shark pup is born. I’m a total basic white bitchI should turn off the news. Never got a dinner. Nadler is being a total piece of shit in this hearing.