Cooking is a messy activity, but domestic ideologies put pressure on women to always satisfy their husbands and families, which means performing the complicated tasks while remaining desirable and beautiful in the process. Flower Glamorous Cooking with Beverly. YouTubers & Celebrities Pick Our DRIVE-THRU Orders! It is interesting to note that Pansino is clearly skilled in the kitchen, yet chooses to only include sweet, sugary, dessert-like foods that often hold a motherly, feminine association. Rosanna Pansino playing through fun video games! She self-identifies as a geek, which typically holds negative, socially awkward connotations, yet consistently emphasizes her beauty and charm. Why is there a lack of academia in her online videos, and such a heavily focus on commercial fandoms? Although she means to embrace love of coding or science fiction, the ease with which she distributes the negative, “geek” label reduces these concepts’ importance. drive thru mukbang rosanna om nom nom the tea pansino. And if so, why does her cookbook focus on more scientific concepts? Her focus on the cookbook’s visual aesthetic, more so than the complexity and intricacy of the scientific information, puts her back into the inferior female expectation that she is ironically trying to branch out from. In her BB8 Cake Pops video, Pansino again makes fun of herself and reminds the audience subconsciously that her skills are embarrassing. The labels “geek” and “nerd” are gendered: both have masculine associations. The variety of topics in Pansino’s cookbook is enormous, ranging from Periodic Table Cupcakes to Wifi Cheesecake, Star Constellation Cookies to Petrie Dish Jellies, and Flash Drive Krispie treats to Chess Cake. To begin, it is interesting to note that while her YouTube channel came first, many of the recipes in her cookbook do not appear online. What do the Loch Ness Monster, moon phases, flash drives, and hashtags have in common? She is a professional cook who stays simultaneously productive and clean, but Nerdy Nummies’ uses her face and body to introduce, communicate, and enhance mathematical and scientific concepts. She also doesn’t sincerely address her passion for this franchise – she can only communicate in a joking way, for fear of seeming too “nerdy.” Again, she separates herself by positioning herself as a geek, but not too geeky. | …. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 2003. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 2003. Pansino’s commitment to her cookbook’s thematic elements seems to outweigh her focus on the content, thus bringing into question her investment in the “geek culture” she claims to immerse herself in. In her YouTube videos and cookbook’s photographs, Pansino remains clean, done up, and attractive: no messes are made! In her analysis on gender and American cooking, Jessamyn Neuhaus discusses the way that 20th century domestic ideology enforced that to be feminine is to satisfy others: women should first and foremost “cater to the needs and wants of their husbands, and, in short…embody femininity”[iii]. Brooklyn or Bailey? Not only does this diminish her professional nature, she seems to be actively trying to minimize her intelligence and create this clumsy, silly persona. I GOT A … How does Pansino turn this stigma on its head to make geekdom something desirable, fun, and quirky? 11th ed. These passages occasionally incorporate facts— for example, the Chemistry Lab Cake recipe notes that “gluten networks form as you mix the batter, while carbon dioxide escaping from baking soda helps the cake rise as it heats”—but each one closes with a joke or a pun—for example, the Atom Cookie blurb finishes with “Just remember: Never trust an atom…they make up everything!”[i]. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000), 52. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 2003. Here are a selection of videos that demonstrate this unfortunate treatment of both her own legitimacy and the content that inspires her culinary creations. These qualities include the simplified presentation of Pansino’s recipes, the utilization of her femininity within patriarchal norms, and her determination to experience geek culture through the typically-female realm of baking, thus re-establishing her as only capable of expressing herself through the stereotypically subordinate, female role of being in the kitchen.