But the difference is how regulations treats such inspection (preflight). -define the Pre-flight inspection M.A.301 1 Explain Summarise - explain aircraft maintenance programmes -summarise the content of the maintenance programme. which was previously listed in the Hawker 800XP AIRCRAFT FLEXIBLE When your crew has the proper equipment, they can work with the precision needed to keep a fleet in top condition.The most important part of any business is its employees. Aircraft Preflight Inspection is performed by License Aircraft Engineer which authorized by AC Aviation Co., Ltd. or Pilot-In-Command to release for flight will be issued by using a signature accompanying license number and date-month-year which to be performed.

which have the potential to cause delays if not corrected the last flight of the day in order to avoid any operational A short conversation becomes five or six “dings” and each one is an interruption.In my shop, I had a zero-tolerance policy on cell phone usage that required mechanics to keep their phones turned off and stowed in their toolbox, not in their pocket on “vibrate.” I fired two perfectly good A&Ps for violation of this policy. In regulation M.A.301, European regulations acknowledge that the accomplishment of pre-flight inspections contributes to ensuring ‘the aircraft continuing airworthiness and

Here at JETechnology, we strive to increase safety at all levels of the aeronautical industry — for your technicians on the ground and passengers in the air. Many times I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to remember if I safetied everything properly. Check everything, and assume nothing.

These items should be rectified immediately after Walk-Around Sequence.Figure 1: Pre-Flight Checks–Recommended Walk-Around Sequence Airplane Without WingletsFigure 2: Pre-Flight Checks–Recommended Walk-Around Sequence Airplane With WingletsBefore you proceed with this inspection make sure that you photocopied and used as a check-off sheet after the last flight of the In the workplace – aircraft maintenance hangars in particular – cell phones are a menace to safety.
Incidentally it also provides an opportunity to observe the environment in which the aircraft is parked and may sometimes allow the observation of aspects of airc… However, the excess time it takes to complete the transfer counts toward the next 100 hours.A progressive inspection is only available for select applicants — you must apply to the Flight Standards District Office with a maintenance plan and the appropriate documentation. If your plane would normally require a 100-hour inspection, for example, you could divide it into four phases instead. Pre-Flight inspection tasks do not require the issue of a Certificate of Release to Service. Phone: 1-800-773-7798 You can find 100-hour inspection checklist in 14 CFR Part 91.If an aircraft has surpassed the 100-hour mark but needs to transfer to another maintenance facility where mechanics can perform an inspection, there is a ten-hour grace period in which the transfer is legal.

The pre-flight procedure on a King Air, as specified in your POH, is a long and involved routine. If so, it must be tested for in-flight safety before it can carry non-crew passengers, according to 14 CFR 91.407. Have the shop foreman give you a tour, just don’t be surprised by what you see, even if it looks like total mayhem. It could be the line guy, the fuel guy, or an impatient passenger. On the other hand, if a student provides their aircraft and brings an instructor along, that aircraft would not be subject to the rule.

For example, if a student uses an instructor’s aircraft for training, that aircraft would be subject to the 100-hour definition.

At the end of the four-phase cycle, the 100-hour inspection would be complete.Progressive maintenance plans are non-transferrable if you sell or buy an aircraft. We have a trusted network of shipping professionals who get your equipment to you quickly and safely.We even offer on-site assistance for setup and instruction of our equipment, so your maintenance team can make a seamless transition.Our customers keep coming back because we earn their business with nothing less than the best products and the best service.

completed once daily, before the first flight.These checks should be done prior to and in conjunction with He was ex-airline and a decent stick, but every time he picked up the King Air after maintenance, he pulled the door shut, started the engines, and took off – he didn’t even check the oil!This boggled my mind. AMC M.A.301(1) point(1) and (2) elaborates those actions. Created using You could just as easily be sidetracked like the pilots mentioned above. While this check doesn’t have to take place during your annual inspection, it’s a convenient time to do it since the aircraft is already out of use.According to 14 CFR Part 43 Appendix D, the following are additional items that need to be checked during routine inspections and To keep up with the maintenance of the components above, fleet managers have a few different Preventative maintenance includes operations that don’t require complex disassembly or significant repairs. He was absolutely certain he had replaced that dipstick.My late father-in-law was the epitome of a thorough and deliberate pre-flighter. Actual preflight requirements may vary from one type aircraft to another, and these steps would not be appropriate for military or commercial aircraft. Switches were flipped, breakers were pulled, levers were moved. When a cell phone goes off, it grabs attention away from the job at hand. This guy was totally by the book. Two rubber blocks (isolators) sandwich around the mount. accomplish all items. Chances are, he was distracted when he was checking the oil on that side – I’ll bet his cell went off.Although cell phones have revolutionized our lives in many ways, these devilish devices have their downside.
11.2 Pre-Flight inspection tasks should remain part of the Maintenance Programme in order to control their effectiveness.