I am not much afraid of blacks, but I am of griz, brown, and polars. Up in Alaska, brownies prey on blackies pretty regular.What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger..except bears…bears will kill youA note about bear spray. I have fired shot to run them off. I consider Thanksgiving a win if no one gets in a fight or argument. I have two neighbors within a mile and no more for several miles after that. I don’t agree that bells, whistles, and noise work so well. I’ve never observed any difference in the two types behavior towards humans either.I’m just going to say that all of what is in this article is either from my personal experience, the personal experience of people who are experienced woodsman, and scientific research. Even if you live somewhere with a low likelihood of bear encounters, you should know the proper actions and make preparations, because bears can turn up anywhere.I’m going to outline the steps for bear camping. You can’t outrun a bear, so don’t try.Of course, many of us venture into the wilderness so that we can see bears and other wildlife in their native habitat. If you are hunting or in a survival situation that necessitates noise discipline, it is doubly important to keep a sharp look out for bears that might be sleeping or foraging, as a surprised bear is an angry bear.I almost learned this lesson the hard way, walking in some dense alder brush in Alaska when I was fifteen.

I just cannot believe that it’s already December. Be nice, and they’ll probably just amble away, but, don’t trust ’em. They ended up with a 600 lb black bear about 8 feet in the air with his neck broke. It has a high self-survival instinct. Shooting a moose is like ringing a dinner bell, and they will come a-running to wherever they heard the shot from. He told me never let a bear get any closer than 50 yards from you. It seems to me that there is always a little craziness that goes along with family get-togethers.Mine was no different. I have to say it was due to the fact that I added the pan of water.

Thank you! Again, I pulled to a stop. Two days later, my wife had the same type of encounter with a big lone bear right in our driveway when she was returning from town. November seems to have disappeared. When I go out at night I take my mag light and check the yard for bears just to be on the safe side. I hope that was yours.How many of you actually got to experience Thanksgiving like that? I got to donate toys and create a couple of events for the silent auction. I love Google, don’t you?Anyway, the answer is, if you ever have an Early Bird, simply adjust your oven temp down to 200 degrees and let the turkey stay in your oven nice and cozy warm until your guests arrive. I had a bear sized cannister of pepper spray with me, and at that moment, I was wishing I had a whole lot more. If the bear begins to charge, use your bear spray or gun to stop the bear. It was the best Christmas present ever!Wow! he told me to just wait. Most were interested in eating vegetation …an area thick with wild strawberries. I once shot a black bear while archery hunting elk at about 20 feet with my ruger redhawk in .44.

None of the non-lethal approaches to bears appeals to me. I’d take something bigger, but I found that rifle on a sweet deal and decided it was enough. But in any potential wild animal encounter I would like to have a dog, or maybe two and the meaner the better. I know the classic idea behind Thanksgiving is a Norman Rockwell portrait of family around the table smiling and getting along enjoying the day and giving thanks. That’ll raise the hair on the back of your neck! The Country Bear Jamboree is an attraction at the Magic Kingdom in the Walt Disney World Resort and at Tokyo Disneyland in the Tokyo Disney Resort, as well as a former attraction at Disneyland Park. 2 years ago, I was up to my elbows in blood in a deer carcass in pitch black conditions and had wolves start howling in at least three different directions out from my location, and they were not far away. That’s where the firearma and or bearspray come in.Since moving off-grid a couple years ago, I have seen a lot of bears because I live in black bear country. Also, Polar Bears are often unfazed by the sounds of gunshots, because they are accustomed to the loud noises of cracking ice packs.All of the bears I encountered in Alaska were very wild and still had a natural fear of humans. He said he had never swung an ax harder in his life, not even on iron wood. Every year it seems we hear about 3 or so folks who got themselves killed running a foot race somewhere around Anchorage.