Thanks for watching, audio in the last game bugged a little, my voice was cut and its a bit out of sync but it was a good game so i decided to use it. Sting - Desert Rose (Official Video) by Sting. Your videos, playlists, and channel details will no longer be visible to viewers. Watch Queue Queue. i hope you like the videos i post. Watch ... Sign in to YouTube. Settings for individual videos will override the channel settings.This will also restrict certain features on your channel. Welcome to Sting Flight--scenic and extreme flying in a two-seat, Sting Light-Sport airplane. Rules are matched from top to bottom and the first rule that matches a user is applied. Here are the rules you can apply:You can temporarily make your channel hidden by selecting this option. Sign in. Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE, known as Sting, is an English musician and actor. Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE, known as Sting, is an English musician and actor. Welcome to Sting Flight--scenic and extreme flying in a two-seat, Sting Light-Sport airplane. Identical ɳเメ and ɳเメ々official players' rise through the ranks of criminal underworld to become One of Asian most dreaded mafia Clan. This is a display of my gymnastics skills and achievements! Browse channels Sign in to like videos, comment, and subscribe. This may reduce your channel's revenue. You can make your channel visible again anytime and your content will be public to viewers.You can manage your presence on YouTube and permanently remove your content with these settings.If you're the channel's manager, you can associate your official website with the YouTube Channel. I am now in my 3rd year of competing Level 10. This setting will affect existing and future videos. If you aren’t sure whether or not your videos are made for kids, check out this You can display the number of viewers subscribed to your channel by selecting this option.Personalized ads based on viewer's interests or remarketing ads will be turned off if you select this option. In addition, earned action reports and remarketing lists will stop working for your channel.If you want to check watch times, traffic sources, or demographics for your YouTube channel, use This lets you incorporate signals from your website's Page Rank on into YouTube’s search algorithm.You can integrate your channel with Google Analytics to get a better understanding of visits to your actual channel page. More: Click Add. 4:46. Enter the URL in the Associated website field. could be anything from a rant to a review of a product, or teaching or just anything. If you choose not to select a channel setting, you’ll be required to identify each video on your channel that’s made for kids. Learn more about You can view your channel name or make changes by visiting your You can add keywords related to your channel with this setting.You can choose the country/region for your YouTube channel using the drop-down menu under your profile picture. This lets you incorporate signals from your website's Page Rank on into YouTube’s search algorithm. In the You can redirect people who are visiting your channel to another channel based on their language, location, age, or gender.For each row, you can add a rule to set the conditional redirect.

Change everything from your country/region to your channel's visibility.You can use a shortened version of your custom URL to redirect your audience to another channel. hi folks, i'm chad. Eligibility for the Simplify your workflow by selecting a channel settings. 3:55. For the latest updates on how we’re addressing the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, please visit You can manage your channel settings in YouTube Studio. Sign in. 4:09 .

Sting - Send Your Love (Official Video) by Sting. Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE, known as Sting, is an English musician and actor. This may be helpful if you use multiple Google products and want to share data across the linked accounts. If you're the channel's manager, you can associate your official website with the YouTube Channel. 3:14. Sting - Songs From The Labyrinth - The Making Of The Album by Sting. Sting - After The Rain Has Fallen (Official Music Video) by Sting.