"A Patent of Monopoly gave the holder control over an aspect of trade or manufacture. Since 1952 he had completed 22,219 solo engagements.

The Latin inscription on their tomb, "Regno consortes & urna, hic obdormimus Elizabetha et Maria sorores, in spe resurrectionis", translates to "Consorts in realm and tomb, here we sleep, Elizabeth and Mary, sisters, in hope of resurrection".Elizabeth was lamented by many of her subjects, but others were relieved at her death.The picture of Elizabeth painted by her Protestant admirers of the early 17th century has proved lasting and influential.Recent historians, however, have taken a more complicated view of Elizabeth.Elizabeth established an English church that helped shape a national identity and remains in place today.Though Elizabeth followed a largely defensive foreign policy, her reign raised England's status abroad. And therefore I say again, I will marry as soon as I can conveniently, if God take not him away with whom I mind to marry, or myself, or else some other great let happen.By 1570, senior figures in the government privately accepted that Elizabeth would never marry or name a successor. His will ignored the The show of solidarity between the sisters did not last long. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, 10 June 1921), is the husband of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms. Elizabeth went to live with Henry’s widow, Catherine Parr. Loades 24–25. In London many in the Privy Council were fearful that France would rekindle her relationship with Scotland and … Queen Elizabeth 1st had no husband and no children. She was portrayed as The Queen's health remained fair until the autumn of 1602, when a series of deaths among her friends plunged her into a severe depression. Most of her suitors were Catholic, and none would subjugate himself to the Churh of England. Haigh, 179.After Essex's downfall, James VI of Scotland referred to Cecil as "king there in effect". It doesn't. I mean to direct all my actions by good advice and counsel.Elizabeth's personal religious convictions have been much debated by scholars. Like Henry IV of France, she projected an image of herself which brought stability and prestige to her country. 25–26. Haigh, 183.In a letter of 19 July 1599 to Essex, Elizabeth wrote: "For what can be more true (if things be rightly examined) than that your two month's journey has brought in never a capital rebel against whom it had been worthy to have adventured one thousand men". There Elizabeth experienced an emotional crisis that some historians believe affected her for the rest of her life. Elizabeth the first never married.

Costly wars against Spain and the Irish, involvement in the Netherlands, socio-economic distress, and an authoritarian turn by the regime all cast a pall over Gloriana's final years, underpinning a weariness with the queen's rule and open criticism of her government and its failures. Both proved unenthusiastic,How could a worse choice be made for your honour than in such haste to marry such a subject, who besides other and notorious lacks, public fame has charged with the murder of your late husband, besides the touching of yourself also in some part, though we trust in that behalf falsely.These events led rapidly to Mary's defeat and imprisonment in Mary was soon the focus for rebellion. Somerset, 10.Weir, Alison. But her Majesty did all by halves, and by petty invasions taught the Spaniard how to defend himself, and to see his own weakness.Though some historians have criticised Elizabeth on similar grounds,In 1589, the year after the Spanish Armada, Elizabeth sent to Spain the Although Ireland was one of her two kingdoms, Elizabeth faced a hostile, and in places virtually autonomous,Between 1594 and 1603, Elizabeth faced her most severe test in Ireland during the Elizabeth continued to maintain the diplomatic relations with the Trade and diplomatic relations developed between England and the Diplomatic relations were also established with the The period after the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 brought new difficulties for Elizabeth that lasted until the end of her reign.One of the causes for this "second reign" of Elizabeth, as it is sometimes called,During the last years of her reign, Elizabeth came to rely on the granting of monopolies as a cost-free system of patronage, rather than asking Parliament for more subsidies in a time of war.Who keeps their sovereign from the lapse of error, in which, by ignorance and not by intent they might have fallen, what thank they deserve, we know, though you may guess. In 1558 upon Mary's death, Elizabeth succeeded her half-sister to the throne and set out to rule by good counsel.In government, Elizabeth was more moderate than her father and half-siblings had been.As she grew older, Elizabeth became celebrated for her Elizabeth was two years and eight months old when her mother was beheaded on 19 May 1536,After Grindal died in 1548, Elizabeth received her education under the tutor of Prince Edward, Henry VIII died in 1547 and Elizabeth's half-brother, Edward VI, became king at age nine. She was a Protestant, but kept Catholic symbols (such as the crucifix), and downplayed the role of sermons in defiance of a key Protestant belief.In terms of public policy she favoured pragmatism in dealing with religious matters.

Her strategy, to support the Dutch on the surface with an English army, while beginning secret peace talks with Spain within days of Leicester's arrival in Holland,We could never have imagined (had we not seen it fall out in experience) that a man raised up by ourself and extraordinarily favoured by us, above any other subject of this land, would have in so contemptible a sort broken our commandment in a cause that so greatly touches us in honour ... And therefore our express pleasure and commandment is that, all delays and excuses laid apart, you do presently upon the duty of your allegiance obey and fulfill whatsoever the bearer hereof shall direct you to do in our name.