We knew everything about every moment. So it would make sense that they had kind of built their world kind of around us, on top of ours. Sevier then enters the interrogation room to interview him, but Lucas does not betray any sign that he knows who Sevier is. But there is significance in the movie, it tells of a larger world that we will eventually reach one way or another, but that we must have faith until that day comes, when that faith transforms from belief to hard scientific data.This is not different than if the year was 1870, Jules Verne trying to convince people that one day we will have technology to reach for the stars, or the deeps of the sea, and instead, he gets people thinking he was crazy, or just a “fantasy story without significance”. That’s the border between sci-fi and New Age spirituality (without the negative baggage that usually accompanies it in the minds of most people).5. "It's very easy to say, 'Well, Jeff couldn't quite connect these dots,'" director Jeff Nichols told BuzzFeed News. Midnight Special may be Nichols’ first studio film, but he’s still tracking lives out of balance. The most forward-looking, and the most “edgy” sci-fi movie of them all, by literally moving the needle of sci-fi from caricature super-heroes, monsters, and A-to-B aliens, to a more expansive terrain that’s more rich in potential. If you haven't seen the film but would like to see the result of the poll click here. So dawn comes, and…Roy and Alton show up at the motel where Lucas and Alton’s mother, Sarah Tomlin, is staying while waiting for them. The driver hits a toggle switch wired behind the steering wheel, cutting off the headlamps and taillights. … I think it's much more interesting to build a film that someone with a belief in an organized religion, an agnostic, an atheist, a spiritualist — they can all come in and have an experience with the film and project what they need to on it, and then deal with the consequences of what they see after the film. This is especially questionable knowing that Roy was watching them.What exactly happened between Alton, Roy, and Sarah? They take Elden's van and continue on toward a location that Alton specified. The film does a great job with intriguing the viewer.

You see, her braids were the same as the women in the cult. This time, Shannon‚ who has appeared in every Nichols film, plays a father in crisis. "I knew that they would be a society that was built off of observation. That's not attached to Christianity, it's not attached to Buddhism or anything else. The song is historically performed in the country-blues style from the viewpoint of …

Contrary to popular belief, “Midnight Special” is a spiritual movie, turned sci-fi, turned spiritual again. What if this unseen world containing these light-beings accidentally contaminates the planet they built upon; perhaps it’s simply an unavoidable byproduct of building atop other worlds. The overall concept it laid out during the first half of the film vanished somewhere in the middle, taking with it the build-up of intrigue and mystery. So they have buildings that hang off of our buildings, almost like barnacles. Why was Alton adopted? "And when people leave, they would have been very clear about what I was trying to tell them. By “the ending of the movie”, I’m guessing you mean literally the last two seconds. Eventually, other beings of this world gather around Alton, and the entire dome disappears, taking Alton with it.Roy and Lucas are arrested. We wonder why the cult leader wants Alton back. You can interpret that scene as simply trying to get away from FBI, so she needs to change her appearance. Filed under Filmmaking. What people today call “spirituality” is really science that hasn’t been understood yet. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!But Nichols has never attempted anything quite like the conclusion to his latest movie, The film, currently in limited release, is structured as an extended chase sequence between Roy (Michael Shannon) and his son Alton (Jaeden Lieberher), and government and religious figures keen on capturing Alton because of his supernatural powers.