People do not often see lynxes in the woods due to their camouflage. We will send news and updates Wolf Mankind's relationship to the wolf is ambivalent – on the one hand the animal is admired as a skilled and untiring hunter but also ill-famed as Isengrim the bloodthirsty and persecuted. They are, nevertheless, indispensable for sustaining an undisturbed and healthy ecosystem and ensuring the natural regeneration of vegetation in European forests. address. If it is to survive in Europe and if the population is to be undisturbed enough to increase in number, intensive protection measures will be required. The Eurasian wolf, a subspecies of the gray wolf, is not an endangered species. But now it is gradually coming back. 2014 ging man „von 13 500 bis 20 000 Wölfen in Europa aus (ohne Ukraine, Weißrussland, Russland und Türkei). My favourite food: I can eat a lot of meat at one meal and then go without food for a considerable time. What actions is EuroNatur taking for the protection of the wolf in Europe? At present they are endangered due to global warming which, in the Arctic, has a negative influence on their natural habitat. Polar bears are the biggest predators in the world and the biggest out of eight types of bears. Hunted as a nuisance animal. Why are wolves often seen in a negative way? Thank to legal protection, wolves are now about 12,000 individuals in Europe but hunting remains the most significant threat. The Middle Ages in Europe was a time of growing enlightenment and crushing superstition. A belief in werewolves was widespread. Usually grey, black, buff, or reddish. Es stellt Richtlinien für den Handel mit geschützten Tieren und deren Erzeugnissen auf und schränkt die Ein- und Ausfuhr der Tiere oder ihrer Teile (Felle, Schädel, Knochen…) ein. In many countries they have been mercilessly hunted and finally wiped out. Today in the areas where farmers and ranchers come into conflict with wolves, there is some killing of problem wolves by the federal government. Fax: +49 (0) 7732 - 92 72 - 22,, EuroNatur is a charitable foundation under civil law. For some wolves live in the imagination as shadows of evil, fueled by fallacy and fiction. All of them are in Spain, which is their place of origin. 18153/25263. In France the bears are critically endangered. Across 12 500 kilometres (over 7700 miles) the Green Belt stretches along the one-time Iron Curtain forming a corridor of habitats for an exceptional diversity of species. In verschiedenen Landesjagdgesetzen gilt er als nicht jagdbar oder ganzjährig geschont. Petra Kaczensky. Join us to defend this beautiful animal and spread the word: the wolf is here to stay! No. Die FFH-Richtlinie (Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Richtlinie, 92/43/EWG) wurde 1992 von der EU in Kraft gesetzt und soll europaweit die Ausweisung und Erhaltung von Lebensräumen und Wildtieren regeln. A very small subspecies. To cancel your subscription enter your already registered e-mail Currently, wolves are found in many European countries. November 2014, Seite 15. Extermination of the Wolf in England in 1486 influenced its future existence in Europe. For these animals, fragmentation of forests and dense network of highways constitute an unconquerable obstacle. There are many reasons why wolves are endangered, Most people used to be afraid of wolves and thought EuroNatur cares for it. © 2020 WWF - World Wide Fund For Nature© 1986 Panda Symbol WWF – World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund)® “WWF” is a WWF Registered Trademark Creative Commons license. Nach dem Wiener Naturschutzgesetz gilt der Wolf als streng geschützte Art.