It deeply moved me and I think it should have had a higher place on the list.I think this is my favorite film depicting Jesus as a real human. It was made by Pureflix.

The film is a modern retelling of the story of a virgin birth.

The betrayal of Mary and especially Joseph is especially realistic and spiritually moving.I watched this movie at Christmas. Lists about the world's largest monotheistic religion, based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and the 2.4 billion people who follow it. I can't put into words the profound effect this movie had on me. It was the first South African movie to make its debut at Sundance Film Festival. !This is such a great movie. An Example of this is that the Jesus in this film speaks Arameac, which is the exact language that the REAL Jesus spoke. No glorified special effects as in most films. A Jesus anointed with the oil of JOY & this movie is a JOY to watch as wellBy far the most accurate portrayal of Jesus...and verse by verse movie of the Gospel Of Matthew.Jesus was played perfect; Jesus helped the actor with the perfect spirit!Though lacking in special effects (c. 1979) it was filmed on site in Israel.

Straight up Jesus, no messing around.Powerful and astonishing representation the struggle to communicate God's loveThis is okay. Consequently, it doesn't incorporate elements of the other Gospel accounts to form a "harmony" of the Gospels synthesis, but the up front disclaimer that the story is based solely on Luke's gospel is a satisfactory explanation.

The King James translation has the word Yet as in not going YET. If he knew he had to be crucified, he would have worked to make it happen.One of the greatest movies ever made, The Last Temptation of Christ helped a Christian like me who has a lot of doubts about his faith and it has strengthen my faith. Therefore it is the best film on Jesus …

While this movie changes a lot of things in the Bible, it’s goal is for its viewers to understand why Jesus had to be crucified.

A very underrated film.

Only word that was omitted by this translation in this movie was when Jesus said told his brother he was not going to the Festival but then went anyway. It basically tells the story through Judas's eyes...he explains and narates what many of the people thought of Christ. I'm sure I'm not the only one that this movie inspired in this way. You have to look at different people's perspectives, like Judas' or Mary. Where I was lost now I am found comes to mind.

Excellent songs, entertaining story and a powerful message.A deeply moving interpretation of the Gospel for our modern world showing the love of Christ is not confined to the traditional and frequently stilted portrayal of the God/Man who walked among us, loved us and enter into deep, passionate and intense relationships with others.Bruce Marchiano is my favourite actor playing Jesus.

Brooks also stars in the film, playing five roles: Moses, Comicus the stand-up philosopher, Jesus is a 1979 film that depicts the life of Jesus Christ. I love it!this has to be one of the best. I had watch this Movie many times. He portrayed a Jesus with human and God-given emotions, thoughts and actions. I am in awe of the acting job Diogo did!

A must to see. Please take into account the effort Mr. George Stevens gave in order to produce this film. otherwise it wouldn't be on this list of best works of art on a mythical shepherdI would love to watch this movie because it don't only tell us how JESUS have suffer for us but it gives us courage and it let us know that we are never alone. It is the most accurate movie because the Gospel of Luke serves as the script, thereby avoiding inaccuracies attributed to "artistic license." If He were just God, God could have just come out of the clouds and speak to everyone. It is powerful and engaging in it's presentation of the historical Jesus. Truly anointed. I like this movie and I will by a copy of it at a Christian book store.Great film. He poured his heart out in order to make the Greatest Story ever Told.This the greatest movie My family has watched this every year for Easter and the cast is wonderfulI think it was well acted with a lot of stars especially Charleston Heston & Telly SavalasI thought the movie was very good, did show from an unbelievers eyes the miracle of gaining spiritual sight of a hardened heart being turned into flesh from stone. To learn more about the miracle of salvation through redemption. In all honesty, from study the true horror of what Jesus endured was beyond what we saw in this movie... but I am not sure they could rate a movie that was any more accurate. The book was one of the best-selling titles of the 1940s. Like ALL film, it is our human interpretation of Christ. This is definitely my choice as the best Jesus movie ever made. Beautiful!This film looks at the passion through the eyes of an unbeliever, a Roman soldier. Now I'm not saying that this film this film is flawless because I did notice a few things in it that I knew ( or at least the Bible never mentioned ) never happened in the crucifixion. Just really bad.Fantastic, historically accurate depiction of the life of Jesus of Nazareth! He is portrayed as a very human man AND the blessed Son of God; he laughed, smiled, hugged and kissed His followers as true children of His Father in heaven.This is a unique movie about Jesus simply because it is black and white, from the 1960s, Italian made, and true to the Matthew version. Filming began on May 1, 2006, in Matera, Italy, and The Robe is a 1942 historical novel about the Crucifixion of Jesus written by Lloyd C. Douglas. He had to go through the struggles.

The Bible (and almost all theologies) tell us he was MAN, experiencing human emotions. He had the horrific Death. This movie is number one to me.This was my favorite.