Harry Partch (1901-1974) was an American composer, philosopher, inventor, instrument builder, and much more. Partch re-invented the musical scale.

Der Komponist selbst ist auf dieser dann auch zu hören. Partch composed with scales dividing the octave into Encouraged by his mother, Partch learned several instruments at a young age. He invented his Adapted Viola in New Orleans, Louisiana, and began setting poems by Li Po for his new instrument and voice.While his early work was met with some support and small grants, the Great Depression forced Harry to spend many years as a transient, and only rarely was he able to continue his artistic work. He composed using scales of unequal intervals in just intonation, and was one of the first 20th-century composers in the West to work systematically with microtonal scales.

New Zealand Herald . / 40 Euro. Partch was born in Oakland, California, on June 24, 1901, and spent much of his early years in the American Southwest, where he was exposed to music and sound from a variety of cultures. Um die seinen Vorstellungen entsprechenden Klänge auf der Basis der die Oktaven unterteilenden 43 Mikrotöne erhalten zu können, erfand oder adaptierte Harry Partch eine ganze Reihe neuer Instrumente, wie die Cloud Chamber bowls aus Pyrex und das „Chromelodeon“, ein auf 43-teilige Oktaven gestimmtes Harmonium.

Some works made use of unaltered standard instruments such as Partch's later works were large-scale, integrated theater productions in which he expected each of the performers to sing, dance, speak, and play instruments.Partch described the theory and practice of his music in his book Partch partially supported himself with the sales of recordings, which he began making in the late 1930s.The age of specialization has given us an art of sound that denies sound, and a science of sound that denies art.

Harry Partch died in San Diego, California, on September 3, 1974.Harry Partch (1901-1974) was an American composer, philosopher, inventor, instrument builder, and much more.Read on for more information about Partch's various residencies.Photos © Steven Severinghaus unless otherwise noted

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Radikalisiert sich die Bewegung? Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Harry left the University of Illinois in 1962, moving to California.He spent the last twelve years of his life in various locations near the California Coastline. Das Ergebnis ist eine psychedelische Forschungsreise in die Welt der ‚Just Intonation‘, oder reiner Stimmung – alternative Stimmungssysteme, die einzigartige Harmonien erzeugen, welche in der heute dominanten gleichschwebenden Stimmung nicht vorzufinden sind. nzherald.co.nz. Auch die Doppelsirene sieht weniger wie ein Instrument aus, sondern eher wie eine Kaffeemaschine von Daniel Düsentrieb.Partch, Bertoia, von Helmholtz, da kommt viel zusammen bei „Monophonie“. Auf dem neuen Album „New Atlantis“ findet beides zusammen. The Freaky 3,962 views. Für sein Album „Monophonie“ ließ sich der Komponist Phillip Sollmann von Klangforschern anregen.Seltsame Instrumente im Einsatz: Aufführung von „Monophonie“ auf der Ruhrtriennale 2017 Es klackert, raschelt, klirrt und gongt auf „Monophonie“, dem neuen Werk des Seit 15 Jahren produziert Sollman inzwischen Techno, meist unter seinem Pseudonym Efdemin. Gerne als Leserkommentar unter dem Text auf taz.de oder über das Er baute maßgeschneiderte Instrumente in diesen Stimmungen , auf … Partch used the words "ritual" and "corporeal" to describe his theatre works—musicians and their instruments were not hidden in an Partch called himself "a philosophic music-man seduced into carpentry".Most of Partch's works used the instruments he created exclusively.

He composed using scales of unequal intervals in​ Just Intonation​, and was one of the first 20th-century composers in the West to work systematically with​ microtonal​ scales. Harry Bertoias Spezialität sind dagegen Soundskulpturen und Klangstäbe.Wer nun selbst mit diesen kuriosen Gerätschaften arbeiten möchte, hat es nicht ganz leicht. www.harrypartch.com Harry Partch (June 24, 1901   – September 3, 1974) was an American composer, music theorist, and creator of musical instruments.