The purpose of the day was challenge parents, children, and young adults to more deeply consider how God is calling … (CD Audio) (Español)

[The medical information contained in this article is not intended to give a detailed description and explanation of the technicalities surrounding Lia’s medical history, but rather to provide context and appreciation for the incredible chain of events that has been her life and story.] He is a 2010 graduate of Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, a Master of Divinity Degree, and a Master of Arts in Theology.

Joseph Aytona, CPM Unfortunately the Fathers of Mercy do not accept applications from outside the countries listed. Why Does God Ask Us To Pray? Hello Friends, we wanted to share with you a beautiful video to help spread the word about vocations to the preisthood, specifically to the Fathers of Mercy. On August 18 th, a very special event took place at the Fathers of Mercy Generalate at South Union, KY. With the generous support of the Family Vocation Ministries (, the Fathers of Mercy hosted a day long conference called a “Family Vocations Day”. The Ascension of Our Lord Into Heaven; Obituary for Fr.

The weekends generally begin Friday afternoon, and end Sunday afternoon after lunch.The first duty of being a member of the Fathers of Mercy is Since we are consecrated religious and because our work is so demanding, the Fathers of Mercy have supreme love for the Holy Eucharist.
The Fathers of Mercy host “Come and See” Retreats for men who would like to experience several days in the life of the community. Lastly, loyalty to the Pope and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church is essential to every Father of Mercy.Unfortunately the Fathers of Mercy do not accept applications from outside the countries listed. Every vocation requires a superabundance of […]

Thank you for your interest.

In 2003, Fr. Victor shares a little of his story about his calling to his vocation.

Tom Sullivan, CPM; Why We Reserve The Eucharist In …


Thank you for your interest.Copyright © 2020 The Fathers of Mercy • All rights reservedSi tú conocieras el don de Dios!

In 2003, Fr.
Hence, it is not enough to simply “pray for vocations” wishing that one day young men will answer the call to represent Jesus as one of His priests; firstly, Let us continue to pray with confidence and dedication to the Lord of the harvest.In the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Joseph joined the Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy and was ordained to the Priesthood in May 2010. Joseph was born in 1981 in Los Angeles, California and grew up in the suburbs of Southern California.

Father Donald Calloway, MIC, welcomes you to the Marian Vocation office in the Marian House of Studies, Steubenville, Ohio. Thank you for your interest.Copyright © 2020 The Fathers of Mercy • All rights reserved

Joseph joined the Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy and was ordained to the Priesthood in May 2010. Vocation Inquiry * * * * * Search for: Fathers of Mercy Store. Some Signs of a Father of Mercy Vocation Feel a Call to be a Traveling Preacher Love of the Holy Eucharist Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary Fidelity to the Holy Father and the Magisterium of the Church Zeal for the salvation of souls

Hasta la Muerte Nos Separe $ 20.00; Si tú conocieras el don de Dios! Members celebrate daily the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and pray a daily Eucharistic Holy Hour.

Just by coming to this page, you’ve shown that you are open to wherever our Lord is calling you.

Watch as our newest Priest Fr. Likewise, all members of the Congregation recite five decades of the rosary and consecrate themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title of the Immaculate Conception.

Vocations; Recent Posts.

By: Rev.

Unfortunately the Fathers of Mercy do not accept applications from outside the countries listed. Br.

John Broussard, C.P.M.

He is a 2010 graduate of Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, a Master of Divinity Degree, and a …