Mashaly came to the clinic and he was in good health,” he said. Thus, he preferred to help poor and needy patients even during the last days of his life.”Egypt’s Doctors Syndicate said it mourned the loss of Mashaly and sent its condolences to his family.Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive updates and enhanced contentMohammed Mashaly, renowned for the low fees he charged his patients, has died at the age of 76. He said the doctor passed away at his home in Tanta.Mashaly was born in Beheira governorate in 1944.

Anyone who wishes to give me donations can give them to Gharbeya governorate so it can allocate the money for needy people.”Mashaly grew up in a poor family and built his career from nothing. Sign up to our newsletter for exclusive updates and enhanced content His body was taken there from the city of Tanta, where he lived and worked.The crowds that marched in his funeral procession reflected the love, admiration and appreciation for Mashaly.

Egyptians mourn death of ‘doctor of the poor’ Mohamed Mashaly. He became renowned in his country as the doctor who would take only 5 Egyptian pounds ($0.30) as payment for a visit to his office.

He died on Tuesday morning at… Trending Stories. “I am very saddened by the news of the death of Dr. Mohamed Mashaly, who was known as the Doctor of the Poor. Dozens of patients line up every day in front of his humble clinic. Dr. Mohamed Mashaly, who is known as "the doctor overcoming" in Egypt, revealed the secret of the success of the top scorer of the Liverpool team and the Egyptian team, Mohamed Salah, in European football fields, and it is strange that the reason was not from the point of view of the Egyptian doctor the skill of the player or his goals, but another reason. Sign up to get Al Bawaba's exclusive celeb scoops and entertainment news This caused the boy to run up to the roof and set himself on fire, with Mashaly’s attempts to save him in vain.The child’s last words were that he did this to save food for his siblings.It was this incident that Mashaly said made him devote his life to serving and treating those in poverty, especially given that he himself came from poor conditions which made him sympathetic to the plight of the poor.

Member of the Royal college of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Thousands of people turned out to pay their respects and say farewell to Mashaly — known simply as “the Egypt Mourns Mohammed Mashaly Dr. Mohamed Mashally had been visiting the poor in his city in Egypt for over 50 years. The UK government’s spokesperson in the Middle East and North Africa, Rosie Dyas, mourned the loss of Egyptian doctor Mohamed Mashaly, who passed away at dawn on Tuesday. “He actively performed his role and was always smiling.”Mashaly frequently spoke of one final wish, said Mohammed: that he could continue to do his job at the clinic and treat his patients until he died.“He never wanted to stop offering help and support to the poor,” he added.Mohammed denied rumors that Mashaly had fallen ill on Monday night and was taken to hospital where he died a few hours later. My condolences to the family of the deceased and to the whole world, especially the people of Egypt,” she added.Mashaly practiced his profession in the countryside, treating the poor at his small clinic in Tanta at a nominal fee of LE10.He gained media attention several years ago which brought him fame both in Egypt and internationally.In an interview the doctor recounted the experience that set the course of the rest of his life, when he had been appointed to a health unit in a poor region and was treating a young diabetic child.The boy begged for an insulin injection, but his mother said she couldn’t afford one as she would then not be able to buy food for his siblings. He would then go home to eat before visiting two other clinics in neighboring villages to examine patients.Many people and organizations posted messages on social media expressing their sadness about the doctor’s death and paying tribute to him and his work.In a message on Facebook, Ahmed El-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Mosque, wrote: “May God grant mercy to the doctor of the poor, Dr. Mohamed Mashaly.”He said the doctor was a great example of humanity and added: “He knew that life is mortal. “The mother replied to the child, saying that if she buys the insulin shot she would have no money to buy food for his siblings.

CAIRO: “I pledged to God that I would not take a penny from a poor person and that I would remain in my clinic to help the poor.” This selfless statement sums up the attitude and benevolence of Egyptian doctor Mohammed Mashaly, who died on Tuesday morning at the age of 76. Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgeon , Domyat General Hospital. His work day began at 7.30 a.m. and he continued to see patients until the Maghreb prayer. He also gave his poorest patients even money to buy medicine and took (less than a dollar) in exchange for benefits for patients who are doing well economically. “However, I don’t think that his own clinic will open again, since his three children are engineers.”Mashaly continued help the patients at his clinic in Tanta until until shortly before his death, said Dr. Hashem Mohammed, who worked as his assistant since the mid-1990s.“Dr. Source: emara You may like. Thousands of people turned out to pay their respects and say farewell to Mashaly — known simply as “the doctor of the poor” — in his home village of Zahr El-Temsah, in the Beheira governorate of northern Egypt. Mashaly continued help the patients at his clinic in Tanta until until shortly before his death, said Dr. Hashem Mohammed, who worked as his assistant since the mid-1990s.