The velocity of money is like blood pressure. This is called Chicken Little Syndrome (The sky is falling! Is the sky really falling? She convinces her friends that a catastrophic event is eminent. Together with his hysterical band of misfit friends, Chicken Little must hatch a plan to save the planet from alien invasion and prove that the world's biggest hero is a little chicken. Daryl Robert Schoon. Too high indicates inflationary pressures are building and/or the presence of speculative bubbles. But on their way, they run into Foxy Loxy who lures them one by one into his fox hole by telling them the King is there. Again, go back to note whether all your sources are reputable authorities on the subject or not.In addition, ask yourself if the piece of information makes common sense. She convinces her friends that a catastrophic event is eminent. What does God have to say about this subject? Q2 will be even lower.To offset the historic plunge in demand caused by COVID-19, central banks resorted to money printing on an unprecedented scale. Even a small sound sends them into a tizzy.

{{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. Run to God! However, with a lot of teamwork and a little help from Chicken Little, together they can calm their fears and phobias. So, how do we avoid this pitfall in a world packed full of information hitting us from all directions? However, when taken to an extreme, the birds act like Chicken Little in the children’s story. However, just because several people tell you a piece of information doesn’t make it valid. The opinion of scripture may contradict what information the world tells us. When an unfortunate but isolated mishap occurs, it’s easy to let your imagination run wild with all the possible causes and eventual consequences that will lead to Doom.

Some choose to believe all they hear while other skeptics question everything. Nov 18, 2019 - Explore Sherry Quintal's board "Chicken Little", followed by 5214 people on Pinterest. In capitalist economies, because currencies are circulating coupons of credit and debt, when credit disappears, so, too, does “money”; and, today, money is disappearing into deflation’s waiting maw even faster than the Fed can print it.The mandate of the Fed in 1913 was to create a system of debt-based fiat money that insured bankers profited, i.e. Too bad the other animals never bothered to ask her this crucial question. The Sky Is Falling…Chicken Little. What are their credentials giving them authority on this topic? Family Physician, Mom, Author, Lover of gardening, hiking and Jesus (not necessarily in that order) Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Investigate further before jumping headlong into a spiral of doom and anxiety. If you’re familiar with chickens, you know they are flighty birds. So they all take off to notify the King. Mental health for kids. Though this cautionary tale rings true in every generation, in our present circumstance it’s imperative that we listen to its message. Does the Bible have definitive advice in the matter?

Don’t assume that you know it all. Every one of us falls prey to unsubstantiated information more than we’d like to admit. But before we start pointing fingers, please be aware.

So they all take off to notify the King. Finally, if you’re a Christian, contemplate this question. How many times do we respond to bad news like Chicken Little or her friends? Each of Chicken Little’s friends are eaten by the Fox. Is it from a reputable person or group? She doesn’t see what hit her but instead of investigating, she at once believes the sky is falling. If too low, deflationary pressures are growing, presaging a dangerous collapse in demand. In this folktale, an acorn falls on Chicken Little’s head. Chicken Little, is the sky really falling?In this folktale, an acorn falls on Chicken Little’s head. I’m sure this instinctive behavior developed to preserve the species. Do we believe the Word of God or the word of man? In Q1, the average velocity was only 1.37. Often we believe everything we read or hear without making the effort to truly investigate its validity. What are we to do?First, look at the source of the information. The velocity of money is like blood pressure. Are they savvy on the subject or simply a self-appointed expert?Next, investigate the consistency of the information.