You want to find out the temperature of the candy mixture, not of the pan.Continue to cook the candy until it reaches the desired temperature.Remove the candy thermometer (be careful - it will be hot) and follow the recipe to complete the candy making.Some cooks say you will have better results with candy if you don't try to make it on a rainy day, when air pressure is low. Old fashioned thermometers, on the other hand, usually feature a dial or scale readout that can be difficult to read at a glance, with a simple metal coil design. The temperatures for some or most of these terms should be indicated on your candy thermometer.Place the candy thermometer in the pan with the cooking candy. Candy thermometers can also be used to measure temperatures when deep-frying or when making jelly. Let it stand in boiling water for 10 minutes. Most meat thermometers only read up to around 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit), as it is very uncommon for meat to go above that temperature during the normal cooking process.In light of this fact, the only thing preventing meat thermometers from being used to make candy is the readout on the thermometer’s scale. High and low alarms. If your meat thermometer, like most old-fashioned thermometers, caps out at 100 degrees, then a candy thermometer may be a better choice for candy making.It is important to note that, while candy and meat thermometers both come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, most candy thermometers are going to be longer and thinner than meat thermometers, allowing the user to check the temperature of the boiling sugar without as high a risk of burn from bubbling or splashing. Some digital thermometers may seem more complicated than others, so when you’re looking to buy, try and find a thermometer that is simple, easy to use, and doesn’t require a degree in electrical engineering to operate.Again, thermometers like the ThermoPro TP-22 Digital Wireless Remote Meat Thermometer, along with the LavaTools Javelin Pro and the Thermoworks Thermapen MK4, promote a user-friendly interface that’s easy to understand, easy to read at a glance, and won’t take all day to program.If you’re uncomfortable with using a meat thermometer for making candy, or if you’re not one hundred percent confident about operating a digital thermometer or monitoring from a distance, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with using a candy thermometer instead–it’s what these thermometers were specifically made to do, and they’ve been doing their job for going on seven hundred and fifty years.On the other hand, if you don’t see the point of having two thermometers with overly narrow uses, as long as you get a thermometer that you know how to use, that can read high enough temperatures, and that is safe to use with extremely hot liquids, then you should absolutely get a meat thermometer for your daily cooking needs!Ultimately, it comes down to two things: the thermometer’s technical qualifications and your personal preference. Instant-read thermometers are any thermometers that can be read at a glance, usually with a digital or electronic display. It’s an instant read, so you can use it to check meats and … We’ve used all sorts of candy thermometers to make the brittles and toffees we use for our ice cream. As mentioned above, there are a ton of great meat thermometers available on the market today that can be used for cooking so much more than meat, and are ready for you to take them to the next level of culinary creation!Making candy at home can seem like a daunting task, but people have been figuring out better and simpler ways to do just that for centuries. A candy thermometer, also known as a sugar thermometer, or jam thermometer is a cooking thermometer used to measure the temperature and therefore the stage of a cooking sugar solution.