Il a très vite découvert qu'il était gay Tony’s father told Caleb to call him by his first name and said that he’s family.

Tony started crying and they made out. 衝撃的な終わりを迎えたシーズン2の春祭りから数ヶ月後。対抗試合の夜、ブライス・ウォーカーが殺害される。リバティ高校がハンナ・ベイカーの自殺以来のショックに見舞われる中、誰もが殺害の容疑者として疑われることに。ブライス・ウォーカー殺害の動機とは。 His reaction was to clear his name with the cops before they start investigating him, but Caleb felt like that would make him more suspicious.After Tony got brought in by the police to get questioned about Bryce, Clay and Ani went to ask Caleb a bunch of questions about the reason Tony was brought in. Caleb revealed to them that Tony sold his car to Bryce and that his family got deported. Caleb managed to convince him that home is with people you love and he loves him, and told him that "your life is my life". Caleb's father got him into boxing.

Caleb hit Tony in the face, causing him to get a bloody nose. Caleb told him to stay at his house, but Tony didn't want to because his home was with his family. Upon arriving at the In another flashback, Tony received a call from his Dad, who was scheduled for deportation. When Tony told him that his boyfriend had broke up with him a month ago, Caleb called Brad a foolish guy.When Tony and Caleb went to Tony's car and saw that it got destroyed, Tony became aggressive.

They had Thanksgiving dinner at the Jensens, where Caleb said that he’s thankful for Tony.Caleb is a fierce competitor and dedicated coach, but out of the ring has a warm smile and a wry sense of humor. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When asked, Caleb said he’d tell the cops that Tony was asleep next to him on homecoming night. Caleb is first seen when he was coaching Tony for Tony's anger management course. Read Caleb from the story 13 Reasons Why by sbancroft24 (The Midnight Society) with 27 reads. He bought Tony his car back because if Tony was going to leave, he’d at least have his ‘first love’ with him. Tony asked “What if they find out the truth?”.Caleb and Tony got into an argument when Tony planned to drive Clay (who was suspected of murder) to his family in Mexico.

C'est le professeur de boxe de Tony Padilla. Caleb held Tony close to him and told him it's okay. He used to be scared of his father, but thanks to boxing he got past the point of being scared of him. 13の理由を聴き終えたクレイ、ついに彼女の自殺の全貌が明らかになったと思われたが裁判が始まると次から次へとハンナ以外の人の真実が語られる。残された彼らは裁判の行方を案じ、自己保身に走る者、真実を伝える者に別れてしまう。手強い学校側の弁護士と闘うミセス・ベイカー。果たしてクレイの隠された真実とは。 Tony broke down crying and Caleb comforted him. Caleb tried to calm him down, but instead they started fighting.

D&D Beyond He is shown to always be nice towards everyone. Caleb told him that he can’t “cant wire that much”, but Tony said that he’ll drive to Mexico. Caleb is a recurring character in the second, third season and fourth season of 13 Reasons Why. Tony told Caleb his Mom would love him and the rest of the family would also accept him. Caleb is a gay character from 13 Reasons Why. Tony claimed that he told him the truth. At Thanksgiving, Tony and Caleb facetimed with Tony’s family in Mexico. ティーンエイジャーのクレイ・ジェンセンが学校から帰宅すると、玄関に7本のカセットテープが入った箱が置いてあることに気がつく。それには2週間前に自殺した同級生、ハンナ・ベイカーが自らこの世を去る決断をした13の理由が録音されていた。 2017年5月7日、Netflixはシーズン2にリニューアルしたことを発表し、2018年5月18日に配信された。シーズン1と同じく13話構成、製作総指揮は2018年末にシーズン3の製作の開始がアナウンスされ、2019年8月23日に配信された。シーズン1・2に続き13話構成となったが、シーズン1・2と比較すると、セレーナ・ゴメスの本シーズンへの大きな関与は見られていない。その象徴として、本シーズンではセレーナ・ゴメスによる主題歌の製作はなかった。また、シーズン2よりクロエ・ライスを演じるアン・ウィンターズは、「一度もセレーナを見ていない」とUS Weaklyに語っているシーズン3配信の数週間前に、Netflixは配信直後から激しい批判と議論を起こしていたシーズン1の生々しい自殺シーンを削除することを発表している。(詳細は後述 第2シーズンは、Rotten Tomatoesに51件のレビューがあり、批評家支持率は27%、平均点は10点満点で5.31点となっている第3シーズンは、Rotten Tomatoesに17件のレビューがあり、批評家支持率は12%、平均点は10点満点で1.43点となっているNetflixと制作陣は当該のシーンを擁護している。プロデューサーのジョイ・ゴーマンは、「子供たちは知るべきだと思います。自分が体験していることの多くを、誰もが体験しているということを」と

He is portrayed by RJ Brown. ravenswood, alisondilaurentis, haleb. En dehors du ring, il a beaucoup d'humour.

In a flashback, Caleb was about to get introduced to Tony’s family.