In an industry of busy people, Vera Wang might be one of the busiest. that there's life after 40, and 50, and 60, and 70. So, it seems the world famous designer was a serious athlete before becoming a fashion power player and a household name. All rights reserved Cookies dienen der Benutzerführung und der Webanalyse und helfen dabei, die Funktionalität der Website zu verbessern, um Ihnen den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten. Because as It turns out Wang has been living her best (and super-sexy) life for weeks and probably longer; we just may not have noticed until now. Vera Wang stuns the internet with Instagram posts during quarantine. Juni feierte die ehemalige Eiskunstläuferin Geburtstag. Fashion designer Vera Wang has been treating her Instagram followers to daily fashion photoshoots during quarantine, but to be honest, no one is talking about the clothes. Beinahe täglich postet sie aus ihrer Quarantäne Fotos, die sie top in Form zeigen. Auf Instagram zeigt sich Vera Wang mit bauchfreiem Top und Hotpants – und ihre Fans können kaum glauben, dass die Designerin bereits 70 Jahre alt ist. And now, Wang is embarking upon her latest career in a string of successes: Giving the world hope (at a time it is very desperately needed!) Vera Wang ist die erste Wahl der Stars, wenn es um ein zeitloses Hochzeitskleid geht. Here's how she's been staying so fit. Die Corona-Zeit verbringt Designerin Vera Wang auf ihrem Anwesen in Miami Beach. "Fact Check: Truth," Wang herself responded in a playful Of course, with her age verified, Wang's followers are even more rapid for morsels on how they too can age so gracefully. What they are talking about is the fact that the 70-year-old designer appears to have discovered the Fountain of Youth and we'll be damned if we don't force her to spill the tea immediately. Vera Wang präsentiert sich extrem durchtrainiert bei Instagram.

Who knew? Nähere Informationen finden Sie in unserer When wedding gown designer extraordinaire Vera Wang posted images of herself wearing streetwear (and heels!) After fans went berserk over how a 70-year-old woman could look so youthful, one Twitter user went so far as to question whether the designer is truly a septuagenarian. When wedding gown designer extraordinaire Vera Wang posted images of herself wearing streetwear (and heels!)

And why should she? It seems 70 is the new 30. Kürzlich verriet sie dem Magazin „Harper‘s Bazaar“, dass sie gleich nach der Pariser Modewoche zusammen mit ihrer „Fashion Family“ in den Lockdown gegangen sei. Vera Wang. in quarantine, people stuck at home everywhere uttered a … By Christine Whitney. Designerin Vera Wang hat mit 70 einen hipperen Insta-Account als wir alle.
Kaum zu glauben, dass die Designerin 70 Jahre alt ist. Vera Wang on Roses, Instagram, and What Brides Want. Am 27. Vera Wang turned 71 yesterday, but you never would have guessed it as the near-immortal looking star’s recent Instagram posts have had fans asking if she has found the elixir of youth. Auf Instagram zeigt sich Vera Wang mit bauchfreiem Top und Hotpants – und ihre Fans können kaum glauben, dass die Designerin bereits 70 Jahre alt ist. It seems 70 is the new 30. As Interestingly, the outlet reports Wang actually competed at the 1968 US Figure Skating Championships.

„Alle von ihnen sind extrem fit, was mich dazu veranlasste, an den meisten Tagen zu trainieren“, sagte sie.Im Latex-Kleid schickt Kolibri Bahati die besten Wünsche an Baumeister Richard Lugner.Ex-Disney-Star Bella Thorne casht mit Nackedei-Bildern richtig ab.George Clooney soll intim mit Epstein-Vertrauter Ghislaine Maxwell gewesen sein.Kurz nach der Geburt seines zweiten Kindes starb Landon im Alter von nur 19 Jahren. Monica Schipper/Getty Images. We can't wait to see what 80 looks like for this inspiring woman!Vera Wang stuns the internet with Instagram posts during quarantine© 2020 She wowed fans in her recent Instagram post. By Melissa Willets / May 9, 2020 1:46 pm EDT / Updated: May 12, 2020 2:05 pm EDT. At 70, Vera Wang is slaying the Instagram game with multiple photos showing off her ridiculously toned abs and legs. in quarantine, people stuck at home everywhere uttered a collective gasp (via Well, whatever her secret is to looking so ageless, Vera Wang, we bow down to you!Speaking of secrets, Wang has no interest in keeping her real age under wraps. Sie sei ein "ewiger Teenager", lauten einige Kommentare unter ihren Bildern.

(Getty Images) It’s hard not to do a double take at 70-year-old Vera Wang. One Instagram devotee asked what the designer's routine is, to which Meanwhile, genetics must have at least something to do with Wang's age-defiability.