Start by marking “The Bishop's Bedroom” as Want to Read: One night he is invited to the water side mansion of an older man who lives with his wife and widowed sister-in-law. (Chiara was from Lake Maggiore). The premise is the itinerant sailing lifestyle of the narrator (unnamed), a 30 year old war refugee, who is spending a summer sailing around the ports of a beautiful resort-y Lake Maggiore in northern Italy.

World War Two has just come to an end and there’s a yearning for renewal. Chiara not only gives us an effective portrait of the post-war Italian man and woman. But in the end, The Bishop’s Bedroom is not engaging enough to make for a good mystery, not funny enough to make for a good comedy and not philosophical enough to make up for either. The majority of the novel is an engaging travelogue of the gentleman's travels aboard his small sailboat on Lake Maggiore in northern Italy. Narrated by a fairly well-to-do Italian in his early 30's in 1946. Toward evening, all of them found themselves longing for the seaside, where they could have gone around between the bunkers and recently dismantled blockhouses gorging on naked women, fried fish, dances and films.Leaning against the iron bar of the railing like a ship’s captain, the man watching me from above the quay didn’t actually fit any of those categories of lakeside malcontents, who realize too late that they’ve made the wrong choice. I still don't understand the emphasis on the Bishop's Bedroom. The writing is reminiscent of Hemingway in its outlook and sparse, unemotional prose and definitely has a chauvinistic view of women, who are referred to more than once as "prey." Esther Kinsky, Trans. He is clearly independently wealthy, though his source of income – his family – is only hinted at and he also makes claear that, at some point, he will have to seek employment. Our unnamed hero has a yacht and spends his time sailing around Lake Maggiore. Published The two men start sailing around the lake together sharing adventurAn odd short story about a young man just home from the war, in 1946 sailing his boat around the lake in abandon, visiting woman along the way and not ready to settle down. So I kept reading.The genuinely excellent prose is all that pulled me through this not terribly interesting story about a couple of ugly men who, nonetheless, nail numerous women while sailing around a lake one summer in Italy until there's suddenly a murder, which even manages to be kind of yawn inducing. It's like a nautical series of one-night stands. (Cleofe’s late great-uncle had been a bishop and stayed in that room. thanks so much @new_vessel_press for this gorgeous translation of:thanks so much @new_vessel_press for this gorgeous translation of: This was an interesting, quick, though fairly lightweight read.
I enjoyed reading it, but I'm still figuring it out.I always believe every book blurb, doncha know... and this one alluded to "its shocking and satisfying final act." Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of Dropping anchor in a small, fashionable port, he meets the enigmatic owner of a nearby villa who invites him home for dinner with his older wife and beautiful widowed sister-in-law. Original title: La stanza del vescovo.

In the villa with servants the young man is invited to dinner and to spend the night in the bishop's bedroom, a deceased relative of the wife. This book so far is two men sailing around sleeping with women. Or maybe it's just a mediocre story about some guys sailing around Lake Maggiore looking to score.

His sailing companion is the married head-of-household on the shore of the lake. Chiara cleverly builds up the suspense, throwing us off the trail more than once.It is interesting that this book was first published in 1986 and is now published in English for the first time, some forty-three after its original publication and thirty-three years after the death of the author. This book does seem somewhat dated but it is a charming datedness which make the book that more enjoyable.Copyright © The Modern Novel 2020   |  WordPress website design by Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. A sultry, stylish psychological thriller executed with supreme literary finesse.In the late afternoon of a summer’s day in 1946, I arrived at the port of Oggebbio on Lake Maggiore at the helm of a large sailboat. Throughout the novel, indeed, almost from when we first meet Orimbelli, we are aware that there is something distinctly shady about him and our narrator eventually catches up with us, though keeping his suspicion to himself. He conceived it for sea-fishing and hoped to build a series. Piero Chiara: La stanza del vescovo (The Bishop’s Bedroom) It is 1946. But suddenly tragedy puts an end to their revels and shatters the tranquility of the villa. Nice Narration. November 5th 2019

The Bishop's Bedroom is an odd sort of story with no sign of a sympathetic character or reliable voice throughout. Thank goodness this book was only 150 pages. New Vessel Press, founded in 2012, is an independent publishing house specializing in the translation of foreign literature into English.This form needs Javascript to display, which your browser doesn't support. Italy, France, 1977. The blurbs on the cover oversold the book and my expectations were maybe a little too high.