Here's what you need to know!As an Influencer seeing the word ‘affiliate’ in a DM or email might make your eyes roll. ),6 Tips for Managing Your Direct Messages As An Influencer.As an Influencer spending time in both your direct messages and your inbox is a huge part of the job. Tips for Instagram Campaign success,Leads > Likes, Why Your Follower Number Doesn't Matter.We know leads are more income generating than likes, learn how to warm up your audience and how to move them through the buyers journey of know, like and trust. I like to think of my Instagram feed as my portfolio – or a visual representation of my brand as well as the personality behind my brand. Saves. If you’re a veteran on the Influencer scene you might be super sick of unwarranted packages showing up at your door. If your dream is to have your feed look like an amazing vacation to the Bahamas but you are a student in the rainiest urban jungle 300 miles away from a beach, don’t focus on a beach themed Instagram feed. -The importance of keeping your Instagram highlights on brand  Let's start with 5 numbers that you can track easily which will also give you great insight into your audience.Repurposing content throughout Instagram, your blog and other social media channels is important for you and your audience! Some common colour palates include black and white, pink and blue, or bright pastels.That being said, you’re not limited to what others are doing. Here are time saving tips and best practices for your Instagram Direct Message efforts!How to Stand Out as an Influencer - By Getting Better at Sales.For the last few years one of the most common goals, from a brand perspective, when it comes to using Influencer Marketing has been product awareness. Take a photo of different unconventional poses in front of new backgrounds or play with different depths like close ups and landscapes. When finally making the decision to put a little more effort into your Instagram account, wether it be to look more presentable for job searches or just because you’re tired of being jealous of that one girl you know that happens to always be doing amazing things, you have to decide on a color scheme. By Sophia Oritz, Creative Content Executive. Remember they are hiring you and you are a business. Your greatest asset is your own unique way of thinking. Nailing your caption game will allow you to start real conversation, grab people’s attention and never second guess what to write in your captions again! Unboxings used to be huge, trendy, and exciting and now I think they annoy most audiences more than anything. Especially in the beginning. Tap into your imagination to create an Instagram palate that reflects your personality and your brand.Blurry or poorly framed photos can stick out like a sore thumb on your Instagram grid.Always strive to use high-grade images - they can be much more inviting to pending followers. 5 Tips to Make your Food Instagram More Aesthetically Pleasing.Have you ever sat down at a restaurant, taken out your phone and photographed the best angles of your dish before even picking up a utensil? I’m Johanna, your go to girl for all things Instagram and here on the podcast we talk about not just the 'gram but also social media, personal branding and digital marketing. For example, two photos with the same colour scheme and the same subject don't belong side by side.These steps will increase the aesthetic of your feed and help organise your.Begin by selecting the colours you'd like to prominently feature in your content. Mentions  Too much going on in a photo can start to look messy, especially once you add it to your tight-fitting Instagram grid.” _____ Follow the Rule of Thirds While giveaways can be an effective way to grow our audience they are not necessarily an effective way to grow an audience of engaged, loyal followers who turn into clients. Most of these accounts have a theme to the type of content they post, and they’re all creative and pleasing to the eye. It’s time for you to get on bored honey  Every photo should feature 1 or 2 of your core colors. Plus, it'll encourage them to associate a certain standard of quality with your page.You don’t necessarily need to go out and buy a DSLR camera to achieve this quality. My favorite editing application is VSCO - they have a bunch of free filters that you can be adjusted by intensity. Need to get your Instagram sorted? Once I learned about how detrimental it was for my account I was so upset. Put down your credit card until you listen to this!Instagram has become so much more than a collection of pictures that represent your life. In this episode I'm covering how to plan a photoshoot so that you can make the most out of your precious hours, properly batch out a ton of content and get your gram looking great with or without a professional photographer! Social media users are looking for more connection and easier information on Instagram. Try to be creative and open your mind to what would look good. A digital product acts as a replacement or version of your services that can be sold on ‘auto pilot’! Monetize Your Influence is your roadmap to get there!The Biggest Mistake I See New Entrepreneurs Making.One of the most important things to consider when starting a new business is who you are selling to. This 3 step process is easy for anyone (not just business owners) So, if you find yourself consumed with making your Instagram look good, you may fall short on other areas.To discuss your project, call Nick on 0401 768 969 or complete the,PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY • VIDEOGRAPHY • COPYWRITING. How to plan an Influencer Campaign  My personal taste is that you alternate person, something visually pleasing, person. Here's the blog.How to Plan, Record, Edit and Post High Quality Videos On Instagram,Video content has massively increased in popularity in 2019 and is becoming more important as we head into 2020.